On the 17th of May, the NATO SFA COE’s Director held a VTC meeting with the Deputy Commander of the Security Force Assistance Command – SFAC.
The Security Force Assistance Command (SFAC) is a division-level command element for the United States Army‘s new security force assistance brigades (SFAB). The core aim of these units is to conduct training, advising, assisting, enabling and accompanying operations with allied and partner nations.
The goal of the meeting was to further the relationship between the two organizations, share mutual knowledge and explore future collaboration in the common fields of interest.
During the meeting the SFA COE discussed the collecting phase of the SFA Operator’s profile project which was enriched by the individual interviews and focus groups with personnel who have served in SFA activities in various theatres of operation. At the end of the analysis phase, the NATO SFA COE will draft a report aimed at providing a valuable tool for the doctrine production and deployment of the personnel in SFA operations within NATO and among Partners.
Following that, the participants discussed the SFA Assessment and Selection process and the traits and the essential skills that are considered relevant for effective SFA Operators.
The meeting was very fruitful and set the premises to possibly work together in common projects in order to provide appropriate tool sets to enhance the effectiveness of the Alliance in the field of Security Force Assistance at the Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels.