On the 6th and 7th of December, the 1st Workshop on the Strategic Advisor took…

NSFACOE ®7 December 2018
"Due to its consolidated expertise in Security Force Assistance (SFA) field, the NATO Security Force…

NSFACOE ®30 November 2018
The NATO Rapid Deployable Corps-Italy Commander, Lieutenant General Roberto Perretti visits the NATO SFA COE…

NSFACOE ®26 November 2018
(On the 15th of November 2018, the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NATO…

NSFACOE ®15 November 2018
(Personnel of the NATO SFA COE participated as observers in the selection and recruitment activities…

NSFACOE ®10 November 2018
(36 foreign military personnel accredited to the Italian Republic’s Government visit the NATO SFA COE)…

NSFACOE ®10 November 2018
The Albanian Ambassador S.E. Anila Bitri Lani visits the NATO SFA COE (Centre of Excellence…

NSFACOE ®6 October 2018