On the 6th and the 7th of October 2020, the NATO SFA COE Director co-chaired the Security Force Assistance Seminar organized in a virtual mode by the Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) Hq.
NATO’s Allied JFCBS commands, supports, enables and facilitates the mission planning and execution of combined, joint operations using a Comprehensive Approach in order to meet Alliance objectives.
The seminar was focused on the SFA involvement and impact in the Operational Planning Process (OPP).
After the opening remarks of the Director of NATO SFA COE, the Subject Matter Experts from the Doctrine and Lessons Learned Branches, illustrated how the Security Force Assistance Concept has been originated in NATO, its linkages with the Stabilization & Reconstruction (S&R) framework, the military contribution to Security Sector Reform (SSR) and then illustrated the SFA contribution to the Operational Planning Process.
In order to give a more realistic perspective about SFA activities’ application, they also presented two case studies related to the Bilateral Support Mission in Niger (MISIN) and the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) in Somalia, providing a sharing of their experience and showing the application of the SFA Planning considerations and SFA principles in operations.
This Seminar emphasized the importance of the Security Force Assistance (SFA) framework, a paramount function aimed to improve, or directly support, the development of local forces and their associated institutions in crisis zones. SFA must be planned, executed and assessed in the context of NATO’s contribution to a comprehensive approach (CA).